
Local Florist Vs The Big Box Stores

Local Florist Vs the Box stores

Look around your town and you will see many stores carrying flowers.  You will find supermarkets, big box stores, corner stores, and produce markets all trying to take a bit of the floral market.  With today’s busy lifestyles we can all see why it is very convenient to buy everything all at one location.

Florists are pretty unique compared to these selllers of flowers. I say that purposely, as they are sellers of flowers… not your typical florist. Florists are committed to not only having the best quality flowers but giving personalized service. Our passion is flowers and only flowers not milk, bread or clothes.

Florists care daily for their stock of flowers. This enables us to provide the best arrangements and bouquets possible to our customers.  We at Buckets Fresh Flower Market and Florist are very fortunate to have a large data base of FREQUENT FLOWER CARD customers. This tells me that people do want a community feeling and like to support small business. It’s just a matter of getting the word out that you can have reasonably priced flowers from a full service florist.

Buckets Flowers staff are thrilled that they have a huge inventory of flowers weekly to design with. I personally go to the auction 1-2 times in a week to purchase the freshest flowers available. Custom designing for wedding and funeral work is available as I am in contact with the growers at anytime.

There are so many different reasons why it is important to shop at your local florist. Most important is that community feeling where we all try to support and enjoy small business.

To follow is a great little video on local florists from The FlowershopNetwork

Importance of your Local Florist

Ordering Flowers

Great video on ordering flowers from a florist. Have all this information and we will know exactly what you would like delivered.


Give Buckets Fresh Flower Market a call and speak with one of our designers to order the perfect flower arrangement.

Cut Flower Arrangement